We currently order from Azure Standard and from the Frontier Natural Foods Co-op.
Azure Standard
Azure Standard is a farm located in Oregon and once a month they deliver via truck to Kingman (among many other stops.) To see the prices at their website https://www.azurestandard.com you have to open a free account.
You can order directly at Azure, but then you have to pay for UPS shipping. To get free delivery by truck to Kingman, you have to join a “drop” and the minimum order is $50 (if you want to order less, we might be able to add it to our order). You can also start your own drop in Kingman or Golden Valley if you order at least $550.
Azure currently delivers to Kingman on Mondays (every 4 to 5 weeks) around 9:30 am. For 5% to 10% of your order we deliver to the Canyon’s End (Ken’s Pizza) parking lot and you can pick up your order there around 11 am. Usually I do the deliveries because we can’t find anyone else to do it. If you’re interested in picking up our orders for $40, please contact me.
If you are in Dolan Springs, we can meet up at Stockton Hill and Pierce Ferry and If you’re on my way home (off Charles) I can even deliver to your house.
Our goal is to deliver around $800 and that way we only need to charge 5% to get the $40 for picking up the orders in Kingman. Currently our delivered orders range from $400 to $600, so most of the times we charge a 10% delivery fee.
We already have several members in our drop who pick up their orders in Kingman (but won’t bring the rest of the order out to Meadview) and they don’t pay the delivery fee , so at this time we only accept new member WITH delivery. However, there are several other Azure drops in Kingman, Golden Valley and even at Rosie’s on 93 that you could join. To my knowledge we’re the only drop that delivers.
I mostly order BULK produce (grapefruit, apples, peaches, onion, potatoes …) and I share with other members at cost. I also order the Azure brand flour, granola, honey, etc., but usually buy veggies locally. Some of our members order much of their food because Azure has many organic products not available in Kingman and they don’t want to drive to Vegas. The Azure brand products are organic and priced right, but they also carry thousands of products such as Bob’s Red Mill, Dr. Bronner soaps, etc.
If you are in the Meadview / Dolan Springs area and you’d like to join our drop with delivery, please contact me and also call Azure and request that you be added to the KINGMAN ARIZONA DROP — drop code D2777.
Please subscribe to our Azure Standard email list for reminder notices and updates on the monthly Azure deliveries.
Frontier Natural Foods Co-op Wholesale
The Frontier Natural Foods Co-op RETAIL site is at https://www.frontiercoop.com/ — check it out!
Wholesale prices for many of the FRONTIER brand spices and teas are about 50% off retail, so the savings are significant.
Frontier also carries Aura Cacia, Simply Organic and other brands with thousands of natural and organic products.
We order our teas (love the fair trade organic hibiscus tea) and spices from Frontier (I buy by the pound) and I truly appreciate their sincere efforts to help small farmers around the world grow top quality organic products. Frontier is a REAL co-op (unlike Azure) and I get to vote for the directors every year and sometimes I even get a small check.
We bring the wholesale catalog to gardening club meetings or you can download the online catalog:
Frontier 2015/16 Wholesale Catalog (36 mb — over 10,000 products)
We order from Frontier every few months as our order has to be at least $250 for free FedEx shipping. You can also order and pay for shipping.
Please contact my for more info,
Bountiful Baskets
Due to quality issues, GMO foods and lack of customer service I stopped buying from Bountiful Baskets, which is NOT a non profit or co-op. For more info please read Bountiful Baskets OLD food and GMOs
Other Sources
Occasionally we get produce from the Henderson farmers markets and local growers .
In September 2016 Kingman will have a farmers market and we’ll see how that goes.
We greatly appreciate any tips for QUALITY bulk NON GMO and preferably organic food at reasonable cost. Since many residents regularly drive to California, we could pay towards gas and maybe all gasoline expenses in exchange for bringing back produce and/or fruit.
We strive to provide quality organic and non GMO food to our community for the lowest possible price.
For more info please contact us or call (928) 224-9663.